Inserting your cup is easy once you get the hang of it. There are a whole range of folds that women use to insert their cups (the three most common are listed here). The important thing for insertion is that you are relaxed, so you need to be somewhere you feel comfortable, especially the first time you use your cup. Once you have folded your cup, you will need to angle it downwards a bit, just like a tampon. You can use lubrication on the rim of your cup to make it easier if you choose. Many women find water is enough for this. Be gentle, but firm. It may take a few goes to get the hang of it properly.

"C-fold" or "Heart fold"
"C-fold" or "Heart fold" is the basic fold most women use. Many women find this fold is the easiest to hold in shape during insertion. Some women find this fold too wide and difficult to pop open, however you can use your forefinger to open the cup properly once it has been inserted.
"C-fold" or "Heart fold" is the basic fold most women use. Many women find this fold is the easiest to hold in shape during insertion. Some women find this fold too wide and difficult to pop open, however you can use your forefinger to open the cup properly once it has been inserted.

"7 fold" or "Triangle fold"
"7 fold" or "Triangle fold" is a nice fold if you have problems to get the cup in. There also might be problems to get the cup open correctly with this fold.

"Punch down fold" or "Shell fold"
"Punch down fold" or "Shell fold" is the folding method that most younger women use. The cup is smaller to insert but depending on unique anatomy this fold might be difficult to get open.
"Punch down fold" or "Shell fold" is the folding method that most younger women use. The cup is smaller to insert but depending on unique anatomy this fold might be difficult to get open.
Once you have inserted the cup, you will need to do a "rim check". This is simply a matter of using your middle or index finger to run around the cup, checking for two things. 1. The cup is fully open. 2. If you feel a little "bump", about the size of a marble with a little indent, it is your cervix. Your cervix should be directly above the cup, to catch the flow. The cup should make a smooth seal against your vaginal walls, the whole way around. If your cervix is sitting to the side of the cup, it will leak. If this happens, gently pull the cup down slightly, rotate it and then repeat the rim check.
Finally, the cup should be sitting low in your vaginal canal, but you should not be able to feel it. You may need to adjust the height a little bit, and experiment with what feels right for you. Many women find they like to trim the stem to help with this. The cup should be worn completely internally.
Finally, the cup should be sitting low in your vaginal canal, but you should not be able to feel it. You may need to adjust the height a little bit, and experiment with what feels right for you. Many women find they like to trim the stem to help with this. The cup should be worn completely internally.
This video by Bree, in the UK, gives some great pointers for inserting your cup.